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Mode et décoration éthique et ethnique
Donner un avenir aux femmes birmanes et valoriser le savoir-faire local.

YounSone a été créée en 2018 pour offrir des formations et des emplois aux jeunes femmes défavorisées tout en valorisant le savoir-faire traditionnel.


YounSone signifie "coloré" en langue birmane et exprime la riche diversité des cultures, des religions, des ethnies et des traditions du Myanmar. 

Nos produits sont faits à partir de Longyi, la jupe traditionnelle portée par les femmes et les hommes du Myanmar.

Beaucoup de Longyis sont tissés à la main avec des motifs et des couleurs uniques.


YounSone les transforme en objets contemporains à usage quotidien et valorise ces motifs traditionnels.

Nos Produits

Nous avons souhaité créer des accessoires utiles et tendance tout en optimisant les précieux  tissus traditionnels birmans.

Nos engagements

How to help?


In response to the global Covid-19 crisis, we started fundraising on helloasso. This collection aims to allow the survival of YounSone despite the closure of all stores and the cessation of all activities related to tourism. We need your support to continue to provide a future for young women in Myanmar and hope that our project can withstand this crisis.

Donation collection link:

Become a volunteer

You want to help us but you don't know where to start?

Volunteering is an effective way to support our cause. Every action counts for the construction of a better world.

Do you want to immerse yourself for a few months in Myanmar and bring your skills to the team?

Would you like to help us sell the items in France?

Contact us today to help us and contribute to the YounSone adventure.

Become a partner

Our products are successfully distributed in Yangon by HlaDay , a leading Fair Trade store. Inle Heritage also offers them to the many tourists who come to discover this region of Inle.

We are looking for distributors in France and in Europe to publicize the project and the products as well as to ensure regular income.

You can also organize exceptional sales at home or at an event.

Do not hesitate to contact us to receive more information and a complete catalog.

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